Jordan Debree

Jordan Debree (4.0)

Last online: 2017-05-06 at 01:21 AM

Player info


Lives in: Oakland, CA

Gender: Male

Age: 2024

Skill Level: 4.0 Competitor

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Game Type: Singles

Game Style: Any style

Best time to play: Weekdays 6:30 AM or after 7:30 PM, Weekends 7 AM-9:30 AM

Hi there. I'm looking for a tennis partner who wants to play once a week. I have kids and a demanding job, so the hardest part is always the scheduling. Weekday early mornings, weekday evenings (8 PM-10 PM) or weekend early mornings are the ideal. Rating wise, I'm probably a 4.0. Strong baseline strokes, good control, lots of topspin. Relatively quick on the court, but not a great net game. Looking for a competitive back-and-forth... Thanks.

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