Jake Ordorica

Jake Ordorica (4.5)

Last online: 2016-11-17 at 07:57 PM

Player info


Lives in: Las Vegas, NV

Gender: Male

Age: 2024

Skill Level: 4.5 Advanced Competitor

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Personal Website: https://www.facebook.com/jake.ordorica?ref=bookmarks&__nodl

I have played tennis since I was a kid, travelled around playing USTA tournaments around the Southwest. I played very competitively throughout high school, as well as on my University's club team. I have been out of playing for several months, but would like to get back into regularly playing matches and/or hitting. I just recently moved to Las Vegas, so I'm not sure where the best spots to play are, but I'm willing to travel a little ways and open to working out various times and days of the week. Feel free to email me, or message me on Facebook!

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