Sadra Shayesyeh

Sadra Shayesyeh (4.5)

Last online: 2019-05-17 at 12:05 AM

Player info


Lives in: San Diego, CA

Gender: Male

Age: 2024

Skill Level: 4.5 Advanced Competitor

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Game Type: Singles & Doubles

Game Style: Competitive

Best time to play: Weekdays after 5:30pm, weekends flexible

I moved to San Diego about 3 months ago, haven't touched my tennis racquet more than a year due to injury! I used to play for UBC Tennis team in Vancouver, and I was ranked number one in men's 4.5 in Canada in 2014! Really looking forward to get back in shape and play competitive tennis again and play 4.5 and 5.0 tournaments in San Diego!

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