Shane Moore

Shane Moore (2.5)

Last online: 2020-04-11 at 07:48 AM

Player info


Lives in: Saint Augustine, FL

Gender: Male

Age: 50

Skill Level: 2.5 Advanced Beginner

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Game Type: Singles & Doubles

Game Style: Any style

Best time to play: Anytime

My game is definitely a work in progress. I have been playing now for 5 months about 4 days a week so i developed a decent forehand volley , good backhand and my serve is pretty good. I am very fit for my age and really enjoy a good rally and a challenging opponent but always want it to be a good time and can handle getting beaten with a smile on my face. have played mostly at Ron Parker where the courts are nice and the Lighthouse courts, i prefer singles but am down with doubles. really looking to just have a good time , enjoy the outdoors and improve my game.

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